Thursday, November 13, 2008

Halloween 2008

This Halloween was so fun! Coop actually understood what trick or treating was. He dressed up as Michael Jackson, from the glitter glove to the "beat it" t-shirt! He walked up to each door and told everyone " I Jackson!" The princess was a ballerina that night. She only made it to a few houses and then was ready to go home. That was okay with Mom since her foot is broken. Kylee and Mom went home early and passed out candy while Cooper and Daddy raked in some candy. Kylee got to dress up at school so she also had a tiger and pumpkin costume- both matched her hair, she's getting to be more of a carrot top everyday. Who would have guessed? We had a blast carving pumpkins- Halloween is so fun!

Friday, September 05, 2008

Kylee loves her grandparents!

Kylee enjoyed visiting Papa Holmes in Texarkana, Lala in Carrollton, and her great grandparents, Great Grandma and Great Papa in Coppell.

Kylee is 6 weeks old!

I can't believe she is 6 weeks already! The time is flying! I go back to work in 2 weeks on September 22, so I am soaking up all the time I can with Coop and Kylee. As you can see we haven't taught her how to strike a pose yet, but that is coming soon I promise:) She has started to smile, but we haven't captured it yet. She always knows when the camera is coming and she stops- little stinker. She has earned some new nicknames from Mommy: Princess Snorty- when she gets really upset and cries hard she snorts (just like Mommy when she laughs too hard!)and Little Diva- I can't really explain this one except to say that she is just high maintenance. She always wants to be held and loves to be the center of attention!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Kylee Madison is here!

Cooper LOVES his new little sister. He says " Mommy I pet it!" We keep telling him it's a girl not an it- Oh well atleast he loves it! She is precious to us! She is so good so far. She only cries when she is hungry. We forgot how little they are and how much time they consume, but we are soaking up every second! Kylee was born July 22 at 8:14 AM- 7 lbs 11 oz 19 3/4 inches. She was in the NICU for about 4 hours because she swallowed too much fluid- that was scary! But all is well now and she is healthy- thank you God for such a blessing! Stay tuned for more pics soon!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Princess Kylee's Suite

Here are some pictures of Kylee's room. The color is not great because the light bulbs in her chandalier are pink so it throws the camera off a little. One wall is stripes and one is polka dots the other two are solid brown and pink.

Fishing on Father's Day

Daddy's Father's Day wish was to go fishing so we took Coop to a pond in Kaufman for a fish-filled day. Well we didn't catch any fish and we spent most of our time untangling Coop's fishing line and unhooking it from sticks and grass. We fed the ducks, saw turtles and jumping fish and all in all had a good time.

Playing in the sprinkler

Cooper decided it would be a good idea to play in the sprinkler with all of his clothes on. I guess every kid has to experience this summer memory, but peeling his clothes off and changing his poop diaper that was soup afterwards was not fun!

Cooper's First Bike

After Cooper's tricycle broke, we decided it was time for a "big boy" bike. He hopped right on at WalMart and rode like a boy- not a baby anymore. Mommy was teary-eyed but proud. He picked a Spider Man bike and a Cars helmet.

6 1/2 months pregnant with Kylee

I hated to post this picture but everyone was wanting to see what I looked liked this time- big as a house just like with Cooper!

First Flowers for Mommy

Cooper surprised Mommy for the first time with "flowers" from our front yard. He picked them while Daddy was mowing. How sweet!!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Our little fireman

He sure is growing up fast! It is hard to believe that this is the same helmet that we laid him in to take pictures when he was about 5 weeks old. He fit in it perfectly! Now it fits his head!!!! He likes to pretend he is a fire fighter and loves to make the fire engine sound- woo, oo, woo, oo, err,err!

Hiking at Holly Lake Ranch

We took a quick 2-day vacation to Holly Lake near Hawkins, TX. Cooper LOVES to be outside, so we enjoyed hiking on the nature trails. He stopped to investigate EVERYTHING which was okay with me. Hiking while you're pregnant requires many breaks!!!

This just might be our sport!

Man! This kid can hit a ball!!!! We play football, soccer, etc and he does okay, but baseball- Woo! Chad showed him how to hit it once and that was it. He was knocking that ball clear across the yard! Chad and I looked at eachother in disbelief! The real surprise was when he was able to hit it left-handed just as well as right-handed! Watch out Rangers-here we come!

Finally asleep!

He runs around like a crazy man until he literally collapses! That is what happened here! Coop passed out on our bed after another one of our whirlwind days!

Happy New Year- 2008!

We attended 3 "kid-friendly" parties on New Year's Eve. My how things change when you have children! Cooper enjoyed going to this party where he got to play with his friend Madelyn. Madelyn's mommy is one of my great friends, Brittney!